
Choice Readersは、もっと気軽に英語の本を読み、その体験を共有するために、Choice Readers@cafeに変わりました。1月に1回、カフェに集まりリラックスした雰囲気の中で本について語ります。


Your first dose of Medicine & Culture

Hello, everybody. I hope you're coping with the heat.
Choice Readers will meet again in two weeks (August 27).

Our target is page 73, which is a little less than half, but the first half contains all the
introductory parts before the chapter on "western" medicine in France.

In the second half (which we'll finish reading by October 1, I hope), the author
discusses "western" medicine in Germany, the UK, and the USA. The final
summing-up chapter before the notes  (which you do not have to read) is very
short. But that's where the comparisons get really
interesting and I think we'll want to talk about how "western" medicine is
practiced in Japan. We're all patients from time to time.

Don't look up everything, but highlight or stick post-its to the passages where
you had trouble ......

(The Choice Readers attendees will receive more details via its mailing list.)

Best regards,

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi, again. This is Chris Holmes. I've finished rereading Medicine & Culture in preparation for Saturday's meeting and I've been reminded of many things as I read, especially the chapter about medicine in the USA. I'm struck again and again by how ideas count: what you consider normal influences your behavior in so many ways.
    The optimism of Americans, for example, and their belief that it's always better to do something than to do nothing lead them to try even more aggressive approaches when their favorite aggressive approach doesn't work. Doesn't that sound like their approach to wars, too?
    And on Saturday I'll be able to tell you a personal tale about spasmophilia (a word that you won't find in most dictionaries), which the book says is common in France.
    I hope you'll come with a list of all the questions and ideas you can think of.
    See you Saturday!
